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make a difference
Free Play forms an important part of this nurturing environment, where a child is allowed to explore their imagination and creation through the medium of open-ended toys.
It is through the doll that the child finds his own self, as the doll becomes a part of the child’s own emerging self.
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“At 40 I thought I am finally getting over my love for dolls, I came across dolls from Aatman, and my love for dolls was reignited once again. Once I was done gifting these dolls to all young girls in my family, I still wanted more and started buying for my friends. Best thing about these dolls from Aatman Toys is that they don’t feel made up, they feel like me/like us. After gifting to my dears I am waiting to gift one to myself ☺ Soon!” ~

Our child’s play has changed since we introduced him to Aatman toys. We had never imagined that playing with such dolls will be so enjoyable for our boy who, we felt, was a total jungle kid. Thank you so much to your team for giving us this joy. Our whole family is in love with the toys..” ~

Learning to make or create the Tara doll has been a healing and understanding the process of creation and a new process of life. Right from conception till the time baby gets formed and then born is nothing less than a miracle. Being able to put those emotions of care, empathy, feelings into creating Tara has been a beautiful journey for you. Looking forward to making more dolls with Preeti, creating with my own hands under your help, your wisdom, guidance. Through the journey of making Tara, you also gave us so much knowledge, which made it more interesting to be in the class. ~